
Being a Godly Man

Day 4

“Moreover, the law entered so that the offense might abound.But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: that as sin has reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 5:20-21

Like many of us, I’ve struggled with the desire to change for the better. Despite my best intentions, I’ve often found myself falling short. I’ve questioned how God perceives me in light of my failures and sins. Even when I’m determined not to sin, I still find myself succumbing. So, how does God respond to my faults, failures, and sins?

Consider the profound transformation that has taken place in your life. Once, sin may have held sway, but now, the overwhelming grace of God tirelessly works to rescue you. Even in the moments of your most significant transgressions against God, His grace was at work, ensuring you wouldn’t be consumed by sin.

Reflect on the profound concept of God’s grace. Is there anything more precious? Yesterday, we explored mercy as the act of withholding what others deserve. Today, God reveals to us that we are not only to be merciful but also to be gracious. Grace is a divine gift bestowed upon us even when we are undeserving.

As we strive to mirror the image of our Creator, we are called to be graceful in the face of our own and others’ failures. In our pursuit to be Christ-like, we must learn to handle others’ failures with the same grace that God extends to us. No matter how much negativity we may encounter, let favor work that much more. A graceful person is someone who understands the faults and failures of others in light of their own and chooses to bless rather than judge.


Lord, I thank you for the favor you have worked in my life; Your unmerited favor brought my salvation through faith. I praise You for the favor placed upon my life as Your child. May I use every opportunity today to reveal the grace You have bestowed upon me to others, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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