
Day 5

“That by two immutable things, in which [it was] impossible for God to lie, we might havea strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us.”

Hebrews 6:18

I recently had a conversation with a man about trust and uncertainty. I told him that having faith means placing his uncertainty in what is certain – our truthful God. According to Scripture, God can’t lie, and His nature and character are truthful.

Recognizing this attribute of God, it’s important to strive to be a truthful person. Our ability to impact others is closely tied to our honesty, from words to actions.

In our culture, Christians are sometimes seen as insincere, preaching one thing while living another. As a man, it’s important to understand the responsibility of living truthfully. A life lived truthfully sets a foundation for others to trust in God.

We may be tempted to keep parts of our life hidden or to tell “white lies,” but giving in to these temptations will eventually destroy our character. A lie is a lie, even if it’s just 1% omitted from the truth. Our lives must be 100% truthful, or else our efforts will be invalidated. We should strive to be honest men, reflecting the character of our truthful God.


Lord, thank You for being truthful in all Your words and actions. Help me to reflect Your character by being honest in all that I do and say. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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