Being a Godly Man

Day 1


“But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.”

1 Peter 1:15-16

A man’s struggle to be all he can be has its roots in his true identity. As struggles occur to discover who he is, he will struggle with being all he is learning to be. In turning to the character of God to define who you are and what you will be, you find freedom from those struggles. You live in a culture that allows and even demands you to create an identity for yourself. But when you refuse to yield to those demands and instead answer God’s commands, you can be authentic; that is real.

Your journey towards becoming an authentic man begins with understanding God’s character and aligning your own with His. The apostle Peter underscores the pivotal role of God’s holiness in your life. This revelation also brings forth the expectation for you to strive for holiness. Holiness is not a facade.

When we earnestly pursue holiness, we stand in stark contrast to everything that is unholy.

To be a man who follows God, you must not be led by your flesh or sinful desires. Strive with the help of your mentor and others to be holy. Strive to remove lust of the flesh and the pride of life. Strive also to do what you know is aligned with the holiness of God. In that practice, we can be holy before God. Your living a sacred life is a life that pleases God, and it is this life that is real.

Prayer— Lord, I pray today that your holiness is ever before me and that my actions reflect your holiness. Convict me of those actions that are not aligned with your holiness, so that I may reflect your image to all in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

One thought on “Being a Godly Man

  1. A word that God is pleased with! It seems so hard but is so easy if we yield to obedience. Too many want to be something that they are not created to be. Let everyone strive for Holiness. That is my goal!

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