
Being a Godly Man

Day 3

Be ye therefore merciful,as your Father also is merciful. Luke 6:36

I wouldn’t say I like it when I am treated unfairly. I strive to treat others right and be concerned about them. Why is it that they would, in turn, treat me in such a manner? Have you ever had these thoughts? I am sure you have; we all have had those thoughts at one point or another.

Consider the depth of God’s mercy. He didn’t just forgive our sins, He sacrificed His only son for us. Despite our repeated failures, He continues to call us into a relationship with Him. His response to our shortcomings is not anger or punishment, but MERCY!

Our God is a God of mercy, and He demonstrates this mercy for our benefit. As humans, we are also called to be merciful. Mercy is not about excusing wrongdoing but about refraining from judgment because we understand. Just as God is merciful to us, we should extend that same mercy to others.

In Luke 6:35-36, Christ is teaching new principles for living. He reveals how to deal with those who wrong us. He sums this portion up by saying to be merciful because the Father is merciful. However, do you wonder how you can be merciful? I think the answer is seen in verse 35. We are to love. We are to do good, lend (give) expecting nothing in return, and be kind. When you love and are not loved back, mercy will be demanded of you. When you do right and receive bad in return, or when you give and it is not repaid, mercy is demanded of you.

Why mercy? Because mercy saves rather than destroys. Mercy reveals a different spirit. Mercy invites into a deeper relationship in which Christ will be seen and glorified. Your application for the day is to be filled with mercy.

Prayer— Lord, I thank you for the mercy that you have given to me. You withheld judgment and sentencing for me coming to know you as a loving, merciful Father. I pray that You are seen to others as loving and merciful as I am merciful to them when I perceive that I have been wronged. Reveal through my action the benefit of knowing you, in Jesus’ name, Amen

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